woensdag 20 november 2013


Dear readers!

In a dark and grey Berlin we started our second day at 09.30. In Berlin we had some touristic moments at the Brandenburger Tor, Chequepoint Charlie and the famous Berlin Wall close to the Spree and the O2 building. We were the last ones to leave Berlin out of all the teams, because of the sightseeing. 

Once we had left Berlin, we drove in a light sloping agriculture landscape at nothing but provincial roads. 
After 15.30 we weren't able to see much of the landscape, because it started to get dark already! A landscape that is monotonous and the desolation are paired with the communist nostalgia. What didn't help either were the remains of the communist construction drift with flats and even in the small villages, that were all provided by a gigantic number. They were sort of barracks.

Because of the dark, the provincial roads and the lugubrious atmosphere we didn't really make progress which is why we arrived at 20.30 in the hotel.
After our late dinner we went to bed, because our intention was to get up earlier, so we wouldn't be the last ones to leave. 

You can find the CarChallenge's facebook by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please send an email to tourofbasics@hotmail.com. You can also comment on the blogposts and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

 The last four pictures are taken by LUUKVANKAATHOVEN.NL Automotive Photography

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